Monday, June 6, 2011


day 1-
->celebrating teachers day which is a little bit boring this year..
->went back to najihatul's house..
->arrived at school 3.15 p.m.,departed from school almost 3.50 p.m.
->arrived at camping site at 4.50 p.m.
->set the tent with najihatul and aishah
->gathered at dewan seri mewah after ishak prayer
->set a team by picking a puzzle piece
-> become the trusted person to take care of an egg.
->nightwalk in the woods which is so cool cause we means me,najihatul,mekar
and syazana got to meet cool guys such as kuje,ustaz,abg seluar askar and abg
seluar plkn (which is not their real name),we got to see the firefly and fungus
that glow in the dark
->the egg still save but mekar's one broke already poor her trousers..
->sleep alone at first from 1 a.m. to maybe 2.30 a.m. cause najihatul had to stay
guarding the camping site with her team while aishah was busy taking bath with
->i woke up because of aishah trying to enter the tent and prepare herself to sleep.
->at 3a.m take bath with najihatul
->went to the surau cause najihatul wanna pray
->trying to stay guarding the site at 4.30a.m but a group of people seems to guard
the camp site so go back to sleep

day 2-
->breakfast and aerobic
-> jungle tracking + survival skill
-> eat lunch, zohor prayer
-> wait for the cool guys to arrive (hahaha just like to call them cool guys) while
waiting for them..we play in the river..
->while happily playing an incident happened (shh secret ok) hahaha secret much
->at almost 5.50p.m. we start our rempuh halangan(something call like that la)
->we were introduce to TAKE COVER!!! hahaha seriously i dont like this word
->we get to rafting,some activity that needs us to climb,crawling and
swimming i mean swimming in the mud ok..the mud is all over our body including
our face.
-> forever TAKE COVER that day
-> cleaning ourselves in the river..we rub rub each other hahaha
-> night nothing much to do opps i forgot we had a campfire.. trust me it is a
little bit boring
-> then sleep

day 3-
->aerobic with the so called facilitator which are the helpers actually
-> we had our own sukaneka
-> majlis penutupan
-> packing2 eat lunch,line up and saw the cool guys for the last time (ececece)
->before eat lunch i got to take picture with a small snake that belongs to kuje.
-> we wave them for the last time and went back home

it was a cool and awesome camp.;) ;) ;)
lesson that i learned while night walking in the wood..if you see a place that has so many fungus that glowing dont walk that way because it is a sign of danger..maybe you are walking straingt to the gaung.

p/s-the time are not accurate ok..


Unknown said...

miss that time veryvery much & also that guys...hahah....

H.A.C.K.S said...

hahaha cool guys eh