hahaha nak tahu asal aku tulis nama ustaz..hehehe ok ni satu peristiwa yang aku rasa sangat lucu..
ok 3 hari, waktu perhimpunan kan ..ustaz tu tugas dia ajar budak2 asma ulhusna,doa2 harian, surah2 dengan hadis dan adab..
alkisahnya time ustaz tu tengah kecoh kat depan cerita pasal apa entah adab x silap aku... dia berdiri depan budak perempuan lima tahun.. yang berbaris depan sekali tu tak silap nama qatrin...
sekali budak tu pergi main perut ustaz tu hahahahah... tu NUR SYAHIRA.. kau ingat tak macam mana kau menggedik dengan pintu kelas main pusing2 jari kau buat bulatan..hah lebih kurang macam tu la budak tu buat..bila budak tu buat macam tu aku terus teringat memori lama..
hahahah aku pergi belakang bebudak tu pergi bantai gelak kat belakang....
so sekarang asal ustaz tu pergi depan nak baca doa ke buat hapa ke aku asyik la tersengih tahan gelak kat tepi budak ke belakang budak.. serius doh sampai ke hari ini aku asyik gelak je..
to ustaz habib sorry la gelakkan kan kau...hahahah (akibat tak hafal lagu bulan2 islam hahaha ok x de ni tipu je)
macam ni la bila aku teringat peristiwa lucu tu bila tgk ustaz tu kt depan ahahah

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Merapatkan hubungan adik beradik :')
today i was kinda having a sister-sister time with my younger sister...
we kinda had a saloon time together..i washes her hair..then she washed..this id the part where us girls are so lazy to take a bath but we wanna wash our hair...so while washing we were talking and singing together..i kinda feels that we are closer at that time..coz almost all my friends knows what kind of relation i have with my younger sister...
me and my younger sister like to quarrel and argue...we are like cats and dogs of coz i'll be the cats hahaha..ok but we sometime be on the same side like stop arguing for a while..because my sister always want to be pampered by me..sometime i just do what she said if it not over the limit la like just now what we were doing...but if her request was like a crazy thing i will not do it..
maybe it is true what a malay proverb said "AIR YANG DICINCANG TAK AKAN PUTUS".. So i wish my relationship with all my family members will like that..although we were arguing or quarreling i hope we still be a family that love each other..i do not want the water in the tank that supply the pipe to be run out of water or we will be in a state where the water source are nowhere to be found..tha would be a disaster to my family..
p/s appreciate all your family members while they are still around ok although you guys always arguing a lot like me...
we kinda had a saloon time together..i washes her hair..then she washed..this id the part where us girls are so lazy to take a bath but we wanna wash our hair...so while washing we were talking and singing together..i kinda feels that we are closer at that time..coz almost all my friends knows what kind of relation i have with my younger sister...
me and my younger sister like to quarrel and argue...we are like cats and dogs of coz i'll be the cats hahaha..ok but we sometime be on the same side like stop arguing for a while..because my sister always want to be pampered by me..sometime i just do what she said if it not over the limit la like just now what we were doing...but if her request was like a crazy thing i will not do it..
maybe it is true what a malay proverb said "AIR YANG DICINCANG TAK AKAN PUTUS".. So i wish my relationship with all my family members will like that..although we were arguing or quarreling i hope we still be a family that love each other..i do not want the water in the tank that supply the pipe to be run out of water or we will be in a state where the water source are nowhere to be found..tha would be a disaster to my family..
p/s appreciate all your family members while they are still around ok although you guys always arguing a lot like me...
Buat malu je
Hari rabu hari tu buat malu je...semuanya gara ustaz yang tak tahu lagu or lirik lagu bulan-bulan islam dan gara-gara aku yang tahu lagu-lagu yang sesuai untuk kanak-kanak..hahaha maklumlah aku ni berjiwa kanak-kanak riang yang suka lagu-lagu sebegitu..
ok first cerita dia macam ni..kak sarah suruh la ustaz Habib tu ajar nyanyi lagu bulan2 islam..
dia dah geleng2..tah macam mana aku boleh ditangkap oleh kak sarah suruh nyanyi kat depan..mayb time tu aku pergi nyanyi lagu tu kot..senyap2..aku tolak la ckp x mau..agak2 la en aku nak nyanyi depan ustaz tu malu la weyh walaupon x de feeling kat ustaz tu..malu tetap malu..coz faktor suara aku dalam mode besar sbb masih pagi..so dia punya tone tu agak besar sedikit...korang cuba la bayangkan aku nyanyi lgu dgn suara yang agak besar tu...haiz memalu kan..aku punya la dalam hati x nak tp kene paksa ngn diorg suruh menyanyi jugak dlm hati mcm ni
tapi aku drag je kaki aku ke depan..
bila aku ajar budak2 tu nyanyi ustaz tu duduk belakang senyum2 buat aku lg bertambah malu la kat depan tu weyh...saat tu aku rasa nak pukul2 debik2 je ustaz tu macam ni sebab x tahu lgu or lirik bulan2 islam..
ok first cerita dia macam ni..kak sarah suruh la ustaz Habib tu ajar nyanyi lagu bulan2 islam..
dia dah geleng2..tah macam mana aku boleh ditangkap oleh kak sarah suruh nyanyi kat depan..mayb time tu aku pergi nyanyi lagu tu kot..senyap2..aku tolak la ckp x mau..agak2 la en aku nak nyanyi depan ustaz tu malu la weyh walaupon x de feeling kat ustaz tu..malu tetap malu..coz faktor suara aku dalam mode besar sbb masih pagi..so dia punya tone tu agak besar sedikit...korang cuba la bayangkan aku nyanyi lgu dgn suara yang agak besar tu...haiz memalu kan..aku punya la dalam hati x nak tp kene paksa ngn diorg suruh menyanyi jugak dlm hati mcm ni
tapi aku drag je kaki aku ke depan..
bila aku ajar budak2 tu nyanyi ustaz tu duduk belakang senyum2 buat aku lg bertambah malu la kat depan tu weyh...saat tu aku rasa nak pukul2 debik2 je ustaz tu macam ni sebab x tahu lgu or lirik bulan2 islam..
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