Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
wow aku layan lagu ni hahaha
hahah aku dgr llgu time kenduri kawin anak tok tahir..ko thu bdak2 yg nyanyi weyh mcm2 lgu diorg nyanyi aku tgk diorg je bertapa sblah abg dj tu tp ok la sedap suara..tp ada satu kes bdak ni terlebih feeling berdesing telinga aku..lpas die nyanyi lagu data-permaisuri nyanyi lgu muh-lgu utkmu..woi pitching tinggi gile bapak la..aku ngn imad dah gelak2 hahaha...tp boleh thn la...
nah dgr la lgu ni tetibe terminat pulak..
nah dgr la lgu ni tetibe terminat pulak..
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
hidupku berpusing di sekitar ubat ubatan!
dari dulu hingga kini bende ni la bnyk aku telan
well kecik2 makan yg cair punye skang makan biji2 pula..
baru balik dr klinik mcm ade potensi asma aku nk dtg balik je
oh ya Allah jgn la bg asma tu dtg balik amin..
yg pasal gigi aku tu dia bg krim bonjela bg kebas2 skit spaya kurg sakit
lma x pakaai bonjela.dulu feveret sbb best rse kebas2 die tu hahaha
well dlm famili aku aku la yg paling unik sekali
dr segi fizikal,mental dan rohani
aku la paling banyak penyakit kalo bkak peti ais dulu2 cari ubat mesti bnyk nama aku..
skang x de coz mak aku dh buang ubat lme2 tu
jap g bakal penuh balik la dgn nme aku hahaha..
pernah x ade sejarah seseorg yg menjadi doktor tp die sendiri bnyk penyakit??
aku rse kalo x de mayb aku bakal cipta rekod kot
(inshaallah jd doktor amin)
yay its my birthday (^_^)
hahaha im old already.. i am now 16 years old... hahaha thanks a lot my friends for wishing me happy birthday <3<3..thanks also to my facebook friends..my birthday falls on 13 october 1994 same like my cousin kak eda but her year of birth was 1986 that will be 13oct1986..
what do i get for my birthday??
a lot of wishes of course:)))
but i do get present..
its a watch from swatch<3<3 thanks big sis
the watch is chocolate with creme(i dont know) in colour
this is the watch..
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
yoogeun dance lucifer..
hahaha..comel sje smpi satu tahap tu die garu kepala nak nari...siap nyanyi lgi...aduhai budak ni comel..
credits: shakizi
i do not own this video
no copyright infringement intended
for entertainment purposes only
credits: shakizi
i do not own this video
no copyright infringement intended
for entertainment purposes only
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