Sunday, June 27, 2010
suara donghae and eunhyuk sedap saja..hahaha eunhyuk x leh bawa part yg tinggi tu...shindong menari hehehe...comelnye hahaha...nyanyi lgu H.O.T- candy..
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
buku addmath!!
haish...rupenye si bahij yang ambil..punye aku dok cari merata rata...siap tanya die ag...die kte x thu...
ok la sbek buku x hilang...
ok la sbek buku x hilang...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
buku addmath!!
argh buku teks aku hilang..tulun2...mcm ne nk buat keje skolah ni...haish....harap2 le ade kt caya ke kt mun ke zati ke...mne la kot thu diorg teramik..seriusly...mne buku tuh...
aku bce kt internet td pasal press conference diorg in malaysia..
x thu bile coz org tu post ari ni saturday,19 june..
bce punye bce..
diorg cter diorg mkn mcm2 like satay n nasi lemak..
diorg berharap dpt makan nasi lemak dgn kimchi..
aku pon nk mkn jgk..agak2 ape rse erk?sdap ke x..yg penting diorg mkn nasi lemak yg pedas ke yg sambal die rse manis2 tu..harap diorg makan yg pedas punye...hahaha sje je aku ni..
then bce2 lg abis la kn..diorg dpt hadiah keris sbgi penghargaan..wutwut..hahaha..dlm hati ckp(keris je pun ape ade hal)hahaha jahat nye aku...harap diorg smpn keris tu..sbgi igtn diorg pernah pergi malaysia..
sdg mnangis skang(ces mcm btol je nanges hahaha)sbb x dpt pergi u-kiss pnye fan meeting..hua~;(
x dpt jmpe alexander...mgkn ade hikmah disebalik kejadian..
mne la kot thu kalo aku dpt pegi aku tetibe jd kurg waras bler jmpe diorg kn...hahaha
wallahualam..hanya Allah yg mengetahui...
x thu bile coz org tu post ari ni saturday,19 june..
bce punye bce..
diorg cter diorg mkn mcm2 like satay n nasi lemak..
diorg berharap dpt makan nasi lemak dgn kimchi..
aku pon nk mkn jgk..agak2 ape rse erk?sdap ke x..yg penting diorg mkn nasi lemak yg pedas ke yg sambal die rse manis2 tu..harap diorg makan yg pedas punye...hahaha sje je aku ni..
then bce2 lg abis la kn..diorg dpt hadiah keris sbgi penghargaan..wutwut..hahaha..dlm hati ckp(keris je pun ape ade hal)hahaha jahat nye aku...harap diorg smpn keris tu..sbgi igtn diorg pernah pergi malaysia..
sdg mnangis skang(ces mcm btol je nanges hahaha)sbb x dpt pergi u-kiss pnye fan meeting..hua~;(
x dpt jmpe alexander...mgkn ade hikmah disebalik kejadian..
mne la kot thu kalo aku dpt pegi aku tetibe jd kurg waras bler jmpe diorg kn...hahaha
wallahualam..hanya Allah yg mengetahui...
woi mat!
td aku terlalu lalu kejap kt blog mamat ni...sje je bce ape bende die merepek kt blog die...sat g terbace die tulis tntg bola...die ckp die sokong negara ape nth thu 2 negara eropah...dan SOUTH KOREA...
aku bce je terus hangin..nak thu sbb pe aku hangin??
die la phsychopat yg dok maki2 kterg sbb kterg mnt2 kpop..die selamba gajah,badak,lembu je maki2 kutuk2 hina2 korea n artis2 south korea...skang ni die plak nak lebih2 nak mnt kpop la..nk sokong south korea plak..menyampah waras betul a aku ngn die ni...kalo dulu2 die x kutuk2 tu x pe la ni die kutuk spe x hangin..
tu la kutuk2 lg kn skrg ko dh mnt...
aku bce je terus hangin..nak thu sbb pe aku hangin??
die la phsychopat yg dok maki2 kterg sbb kterg mnt2 kpop..die selamba gajah,badak,lembu je maki2 kutuk2 hina2 korea n artis2 south korea...skang ni die plak nak lebih2 nak mnt kpop la..nk sokong south korea plak..menyampah waras betul a aku ngn die ni...kalo dulu2 die x kutuk2 tu x pe la ni die kutuk spe x hangin..
tu la kutuk2 lg kn skrg ko dh mnt...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
jong hyun ngn jung shin menari retro hahaha...x de la..diorg mng award..then gembira ..hahaha..comel je mereka..
hahaha..aku tahu ni lgu thn lpas...tp aku tetibe nak suke..
aku bru thu super junior m tu super junior mandarin...
so lgu die pon mesti la mandarin kn...aku suke lgu ni...
dan aku lg suke version korea...hahaha
this the korean version...donghae and kyuhhyun cute..hahaha
aku bru thu super junior m tu super junior mandarin...
so lgu die pon mesti la mandarin kn...aku suke lgu ni...
dan aku lg suke version korea...hahaha
this the korean version...donghae and kyuhhyun cute..hahaha
thank you Allah!
i'm so thankful to Allah
you guys wanna know why?
the story begins like this....
long ago..
well not so long ago la hehehe
just 9 days before today that would be the 10 of june..
i found out that my little kitten went missing..
ed junior went missing
long ago..
well not so long ago la hehehe
just 9 days before today that would be the 10 of june..
i found out that my little kitten went missing..
ed junior went missing
5 days later...
i was preparing for subuh prayer...
my father said..
'nana ed dh balik'
then i said
'tipu la ayah ni'
then i look out side the room i saw her...
eating like she was so hungry
now she had change...
from hyper active kitten to just not so active kitten..most of the time
she like to sleep...may b she was so tired...
i was preparing for subuh prayer...
my father said..
'nana ed dh balik'
then i said
'tipu la ayah ni'
then i look out side the room i saw her...
eating like she was so hungry
now she had change...
from hyper active kitten to just not so active kitten..most of the time
she like to sleep...may b she was so tired...
hehee sengaja nak skipping skit kt atas tu..kalo ade kesalahan grammar di atas..harap di maafkn..
x abis lagi menuntut ilmu ngn cikgu rodziah..hehehe
Sunday, June 13, 2010
karate kid
ari khamis ari tu 1st tyme kuar ngn caya...wiwitt hehehe...kuar g curve...tgk wayang cter karate kid...nisah ckp ngn aku lee jgn nk predict2 ye...hehhehe...aku x buat la kn just bising2 skit je...ok2 then kt cter tu kuar la sorg pembuli ni kn...ya Allah comel nye...nme watak cheng nme sbenar zhenwei wang...aku n aij suka die...caya suka mr.han @ jackie chan...hahaha...hero die pon comel jgk lg2 part nangis tu comel je jadensmith hahaha...overall cter itu best dan mnarik
this is zhen
jaket tu besar la utk die..hahaha comel je...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
the lucifer
sekarang ni addicted tgk cter ni...kt korea dh lme kuar 3 thn lps...ahaha...tp x per x kisah la dh bpe thn kuar yg penting best...dlm cter ni x de lelaki yg mnrik perhatian ku yg dewasa la...tp remaja yg melakonkn wtk gang osu...hensem...wawawa...kehkeh...bg aku cter ni best la jgk....cter ni dh nk abis....
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